Water is an essential component of life. We all need water to survive. Without water there is no life on earth. That’s why water is essential for health. Our body uses water in all cells, organs and tissues to help regulate body temperature. It also helps in maintaining other functions of the body.
World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 to spread awareness about the importance of water and ways to conserve it.
World Water Day Quotes

Human nature is like water. It takes the shape of its container. - Wallace Stevens
Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water. - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
When the Well is Dry, We’ll Know the Worth of Water. - Benjamin Franklin
Thousands have lived without love, not one without water. - W. H. Auden
A river seems a magic thing. A magic, moving, living part of the very earth itself. - Laura Gilpin
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water. - Loren Eiseley

No Water. No Life. No Blue. No Green. - Sylvia Earle
Water is sufficient… the spirit moves over water. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Water is Life and Clean Water is Means Health. - Audrey Hepburn
A drop of water, if it could write out its history, would explain the universe to us. - Lucy Larcom
Water is being depleted many, many times faster than nature can replenish it. - Maude Barlow
It is life, I think, to watch the water. A man can learn so many things. - Nicholas Sparks
Water is the Driving Force of All Nature. - Leonardo da Vinci
Rain is a blessing when it falls gently on parched fields, turning the earth green, causing the birds to sing. - Donald Worster
World Water Day Slogans to Save Water

Water–A priceless treasure, save it with pleasure.
Clean water. Healthy living.
Waste water today, live in a desert tomorrow!
Save water, before it’s too late.
Save water. Make it a habit.
Conserve water, conserve life.
Save water. Save Earth.
Save Water, Water is life.
Water preservation to prevent future devastation.
Save water, secure the future!
Save the sea to see the future.
Save water, save the life on the earth.
Be aware, use water with care!
Start water conservation to prevent future devastation.
Protect our water.
A Gallon saved is a millions earned.
If you save water, water will save you.
The world is counting on you. Preserve water.

Save water today, secure your tomorrow.
Water is essential. Treasure it.
The less you use, the more you save.
Water is not the source of life, it is life.
Saving water is a good deed, it’s an essential resource we all need!
Either rich or poor; everyone needs water.
Save water, and it will save you.
Water is Life. Let’s save the water together.
Gloomy or gay, save water every day.
Save our water bodies. Save our planet.
No water, no life.
Before it all wastes away, let’s start conserving water today!
Water conservation is the key to a sustainable future for you and me.
If we don’t learn to conserve, we’ll all be fish out of water.
Conserve water. The future is in your hands.
Save blue. Live green.

Save water every day and keep disaster away.
When not in use don’t let the water flow, you must conserve that H2O.
Water is life, treat it right.
Save water. The whole world depends on you.
If not now, then when? Save water before you see it end.
Preserve water, preserve life.
Water is more precious than gold.
Today’s rainwater is tomorrow’s lifesaver so think outside the sink!