Ganesh Chaturthi is indeed an important festival of Hindus which is celebrated every year with great preparation and enthusiasm by the devotees. According to Hindu belief, Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated once a year on the birthday of Lord Ganesha. Ganesh Utsav Lord Ganesha is also called Vighnaharta i.e. remover of all obstacles of devotees and Vighnaharta means troubleshooter for demons.
Best Ganesh Chaturthi Instagram Captions
Praying to Lord Ganesha that he fulfills your dream.
I pray to Ganesha that may his blessing always be upon you.

I just need Ganesha and my family around me always.
Let's pray to Ganesha.
May God bless you with good health on this beautiful occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi.
The solution to my every problem is my Ganesha.
May Lord Ganesha gives you a good life.
Ganesha is my everything.
Ganesha has made my life a blessed one.
Ganesh Chaturthi without you is like a tea without sugar.
Lord Ganesha never disappoints me.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to you my friends.
On this auspicious occasion, I wish you a happy and healthy life, Happy Ganesha.
Ganpati Captions for Instagram
Those move easiest who have learned to dance.
Let us do some fun after all it's Ganesh Chaturthi.
Warm wishes on Ganesh Chaturthi to everyone from the bottom of my heart.
Lots of blessings on Ganesh Chaturthi to all
Wishing everyone a happy Ganesh Chaturthi with the blessing of Bappa.
May this Ganesh Chaturthi bring peace and prosperity to you and your family!
My Ganesha is always a winner over evil.
May this Ganesh Chaturthi brings a lot of joy and happiness to you and your family.
Why walk when you can dance?
Glories, happiness, and success. Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!!!

Dance first. Think later. It’s the natural order.
Defeat the Evil in Life with the blessings of Ganapati Bappa.
May you celebrate the best of Ganesh Chaturthi this year.
May the blessings of Shree Ganesha be with you and your family forever!
There are days when you feel excited and then there is the Ganesh Chaturthi Day.
One Word Ganesh Chaturthi Captions
Two Word Ganesh Chaturthi Captions
Eternal Bliss
Fairy Lights
Festive Vibes
Sweet Tooth
Shining Through
Ganesh Chaturthi Slokas Mantra

वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ।
निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा॥एकदन्तं महाकायं लम्बोदरगजाननम्ं।
विध्ननाशकरं देवं हेरम्बं प्रणमाम्यहम्॥विघ्नेश्वराय वरदाय सुरप्रियाय लम्बोदराय सकलाय जगद्धितायं।
नागाननाय श्रुतियज्ञविभूषिताय गौरीसुताय गणनाथ नमो नमस्ते॥
रक्ष रक्ष गणाध्यक्ष रक्ष त्रैलोक्यरक्षकं।
भक्तानामभयं कर्ता त्राता भव भवार्णवात्॥केयूरिणं हारकिरीटजुष्टं चतुर्भुजं पाशवराभयानिं।
सृणिं वहन्तं गणपं त्रिनेत्रं सचामरस्त्रीयुगलेन युक्तम्॥मूषिकवाहन् मोदकहस्त चामरकर्ण विलम्बित सूत्र ।
वामनरूप महेश्वरपुत्र विघ्नविनायक पाद नमस्ते ॥शुक्लाम्बरधरं देवं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम् ।
प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥