Everyone has had a cruch or two in their lifetime. When we’re lucky enough to finally get a chance to talk to him, we’re often a little nervous and tongue-tied. To prevent any awkward silences, I’ve put together over flirty questions to ask your crush. Use them to keep the conversation going and get to know them better.
Being intentional with your conversation starters strengthens intimacy while also keeping things fun. Here are the best flirty questions to ask your crush!
Flirty Questions To Ask Your Crush

What frustrates you the most about modern dating?
Have you ever really disappointed someone? What happened?
What’s something other people find fun that you don’t enjoy?
Would you ever do a long-distance relationship?
Are you usually pretty open about feelings or more guarded?
What’s one thing you really want to know about me?
Are you good at telling people how you feel?
Why are you single right now?
Can you see us spending more time together?
Can I see you right now?
If you only had one year left to live, how would you spend your time?
How do you feel about meeting my friends?
What excites you the most about the future?
Do you think we text too much or not enough?
What does trust mean to you, and how do you know when you trust someone?
What helps calm you down when you feel stressed?
Do you feel lucky that we met each other?
What was the best vacation you ever went on?
How long does it take for you to feel comfortable with someone?
How would you get on my pet’s good side if you came over right now?
Good Flirty Questions To Ask Your Crush

What do you do during your free time?
What comes first to your mind when you see me?
What is the nicest thing you have done to a stranger?
What is the most attractive thing about the other sex?
What do you value most in friendship?
How do you resolve conflict in a relationship?
What are the lessons you have learned from your parent’s marriage?
What drives you every day?
What are your dreams and goals?
What did you learn from your past relationship?
What do you imagine a perfect relationship to look like?
What is the most important thing for you in life?
What is the craziest thing you have done?
How do you relate to your grandparents?
What do you do when you are least motivated?
What does your name mean?
What do you want to do for your next birthday?
What are your top interests?
What is the most important quality for you when looking for a partner?
Where would you want to go if money and time were not in question?
Juicy Flirty Questions To Ask Your Crush

What makes you feel the best about yourself?
How do you feel about us meeting each other when we did?
Who is your biggest celebrity crush, and why?
How long was your shortest relationship?
Do you think you are a good kisser, and why?
What is your top love language?
When was the last time you kissed someone?
Are you open about what you feel for the other person?
Have you snuck out of the house to see a crush?
Would you send me a sexy picture of you?
What do you like the most about being in a relationship?
Have you ever had a sexy dream, and what was it about?
Have you cheated on someone before?
What have you always wanted to know about me?
Have you met a secret crush without anyone knowing?
Have you had a sexual encounter with a crush recently?
What would you say if I offered to give you a massage?
What would you feel if we were together in private?
How was your first kiss experience with a crush?
When was the last time you were in love?
Intimate Flirty Questions To Ask Your Crush

What are the qualities that make me special to you?
When have you felt closest to me?
Do you believe in soul mates?
Do you see this materializing into something solid in the future?
How do you think I would describe you to other people?
What was your worst kiss experience, and how would you describe it?
How do you know you are falling in love?
Have you ever been on a dating app?
What will put you off on a date?
What can I do to be a good lover to you if we got to date?
What makes you feel most loved and appreciated by your partner?
Have you had a blind date, and how did it go?
How old were you when you first kissed a girl or a boy?
What sentimental gifts do you have from your past relationships?
What was your most memorable kiss?
What physical traits attract you to someone?
What is the best compliment you have ever received?
How would you describe a perfect day together?
How would you describe me to other people?
Do you think you have met your true love?
Where is the craziest place you’ve kissed with your significant other?
What compliments do you like to hear?
Have you had your heart broken before?
What were you looking for before you met me?
Would you be willing to be in an open relationship?
Sexier Flirty Questions To Ask Your Crush

What is one fantasy that you are interested in enacting?
Do you have any sexual kinks?
How was your first time having sex?
Is there anything you wouldn't do in bed?
What does desire mean to you?
What kind of toys do you like to use in the bedroom?
What is something that turns you on?
Have you ever been in love?
How important do you feel sex is in a relationship?
What's your greatest sexual fantasy?
What is something that turns you off?
When was your first kiss?