World No Tobacco Day is celebrated every year to spread awareness about the dangers of tobacco use. People around the world want to get rid of this tobacco epidemic and claim their right to health and healthy life to protect their future generations. Therefore, the World Health Organization created World Tobacco Day in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and its preventable death and disease. In 1988, the World Health Assembly passed a resolution calling for World No Tobacco Day to be observed on 31 May every year.
The first No Smoking Day was observed in 1984 on As Wednesday and is now celebrated on the second Wednesday of March. It originated in the Republic of Ireland when the ruling clergy determined that it would be a good thing for cigarette smokers to skip Lent. As you celebrate No Smoking Day during the Lent season, here are quotes and slogans that you can download and send to everyone to spread awareness about the health effects of smoking.
Powerful Quotes That Will Motivate You To Quit Smoking!
Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life. - Brooke Shields
Smoking is an expenditure beyond your need.
Life is too precious to smoke tobacco and therefore, we must save ourselves from it. Warm wishes on World No Tobacco Day to everyone.
Tobacco is a terrorist that makes you hollow day by day and then end your life.
I don't know how it started but someone must have noticed I was always chewing tobacco or smoking a pipe. - Hank Sauer
Tobacco kills more people than any other addiction and it’s time we educate people young and old people alike, to stay away from tobacco.
Smoking cigarettes is like paying to have your life cut shorter – the most foolish thing anyone can ever do.
Quitting is the only way you can stop smoking. ― Abhishek Kumar
The tobacco companies knew quite early on the addictive nature of their product. - Neil Cavuto
It may be difficult to quit smoking at first, but it is not impossible.

There are no crowds out there demanding to see smoking scenes in movies. — Joe Eszterhas
The best time to stop smoking is when the cigarette arrives at the filter.
Giving up doesn’t always mean you are weak, sometimes it means you are strong enough and smart enough to let go.
When we opt out from tobacco, we gift ourselves and our families the most beautiful gift of life. Wishing a very Happy World No Tobacco Day.
Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. They’re rich; you’re dead.
Tobacco smoke contains chemicals that weaken the body's immune system, making it more susceptible to disease and handicapping its ability to destroy cancer cells. - Michael Greger
I make it a rule never to smoke while I’m sleeping. - Mark Twain
You are not living if you are smoking….. you are taking small steps towards a disastrous life….. Say no to smoking and tobacco to live a healthier and happier life.
Those who use tobacco, tea and coffee should lay these idols aside, and put their cost into the treasury of the Lord. - Ellen G. White
Cancer is caused by tobacco and it is a disease that gives a person a death sentence in the majority of cases.
Habits can have a significant impact over one’s life, choose wisely. Say no to tobacco
If we lose the battle against tobacco, we will lose the war against cancer.
Smoking is like cutting onions…it affects you and the people beside you.
Don't smoke - nicotine and tobacco can really hurt your skin. - Paul Nassif
Tobacco is the only industry that produces products to make huge profits and at the same time damage the health and kill their consumers. - Margaret Chan
It is never easy to quit an addiction and we salute those ex-smokers who have managed to get past their habit.
Eliminate tobacco from your life before it kills you!
Invest your time and money on things which keep you happy, healthy and alive. Tobacco is made to kill you, stay away from it.
Smoking leaves an unseen scar. It fills your insides with toxins and tar.
Smoking is hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs. - King James
The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.. Take the first step towards your goal by saying no to tobacco.
We need to burn calories daily, not tobacco!
If you substitute marijuana for tobacco and alcohol, you'll add eight to 24 years to your life. - Jack Herer
Let us make sure that tobacco is not able to take any more lives by making this world free from it.
You’re always better off if you quit smoking; it’s never too late. — Loni Anderson
If you’re thinking about smoking think again.
Anti Smoking Awareness Slogans | No Smoking Day
Cigarettes Burn Holes In Your Pocket.
Don’t take smoke as a joke.
If you love your family then say no to smoking and tobacco.
Smoking? You must be joking.

Replace your cigarettes with a glaass of juice daily.
Sometimes quitters do win.
Smoking reduces your weight.
Be smart, Don’t start.
Tar the roads, not your lungs.
Don’t Be A Wacko Stop Tobacco!
Cancer Is No Joke, So Put Down That Smoke.
Don’t put your lips on fire.
Say YES to NO Smoking.
Be Cool – Don’t Be a Smoking Fool.
Smoking takes life…. Cut it out from your life!
Either smoke can stay in your life or good health…. Choose what you want.
Smokers are jokers.
Smoking thrills, but it also kills. are burning your life flower.
We need to burn calories daily, not tobacco.
Smoking will be a crime in time.
You don’t have to smoke to be hot!