There is something about trees that fascinates us. Perhaps it’s their majesty, or the way they symbolize both strength and fragility. Perhaps they are true representatives of nature. Or maybe it’s just their beauty, which is undeniable.
Whether you’re walking in the forest or just taking a walk through your backyard, these are the best captions about trees to help you celebrate your leafy finds on your Instagram. Use these tree captions for Instagram with pictures of the tree itself, or of you looking at the tree from behind.
Short Tree Captions for Instagram

Save trees, regularize seasonal changes.
Trees For People.
Let her be wild.
On the last day of the world, I would want to plant a tree.
All our wisdom is stored in the trees.
Keep it natural.
Save trees and be prevented from ultra-violet rays.
Get lost in nature.
The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.
Tree hugger.
Killing trees is killing us.
Enjoy the view.
Let your heart be your compass.
Trees are living beings, love them and care them.
Trees For Loving.
Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world.
Relax. Refresh. Reconnect.
Lend a hand to save trees.
Remember your roots.
When you’re outnumbered by trees your perspective shifts.
Caption for Tree Photography

A spiderweb of tree branches above.
I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees.
You are stronger than you are.
Today is wild and it is mine.
To me, trees are happiness.
Life is better with the trees.
How can I reforest our future? Plant a seed of change today.
Into the forest, I go lost my mind and find my soul.
The trees framed my view.
Lying under my favourite tree.
Seek out a tree and let it teach you stillness.
To plant a tree is to believe in future.
Trees never goes out of style.
Find me where the tall trees are.
Learn character from trees, values from roots, and change from leaves.
A tree is a passage between earth and sky.
Listen to silence it has much more to say.
Trees stretching to the horizonLying under my favourite tree.
Watching the beauty all around me.
Let’s start living amongst many trees instead of the few living among us.
The trees are calling and I must go.
Time spent among the trees are never wasted.
When trees are awe inspiring.
Build strong roots like a tree and no storm will ever bother you.
Maybe you are searching among branches for what only appears in the roots.
Funny Tree Captions For Instagram

Plant more trees to enhance the beauty of nature.
The view is tree-mendous!
Lost in the woods. Don’t care.
Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’.
A tree is our most intimate contact with nature.
Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.
I am most alive among the tall trees.
Lost in the right direction.
Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong.
Sunset and tree silhouettes.
Trees indeed have hearts.
Breath the wild air.
Nature is not a place to visit it is home.
This is my home.
Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift.
Time spent in the forest is never wasted.
Be like a tree. stay grounded. Connect with your roots.
Nature is one of your greatest teachers.
Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.
Inspiring Tree Captions for Instagram

A tree is our most intimate contact with nature.
Need air, thank a tree!
The tree is a slow, enduring force straining to win the sky.
The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second-best time is now.
Trees give peace to the souls of men.
Life is better with trees.
The best view comes after the hardest climb.
It’s all about the trees buddy.
He who plants a tree plants a hope.
Love is a tree, and lovers are its shade.
Every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.
If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees.
From little seed grow mighty trees.
The trees bend to caress me.
To be without trees would, in the most literal way, to be without our roots.
Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.
The tree is more than first a seed, then a stem, then a living trunk, and then dead timber.
A wind has blown the rain away and blown the sky away and all the leaves away, and the trees stand.
Tree Planting Captions for Instagram

Planting hope for a better future ?
The earth is a better place because of trees ?❤️
Going green, making the world a better place ?
Every tree makes a difference ?
Leave a legacy for future generations ?
Nature's way of giving back ?
Nature's air conditioner, powered by trees ?
From little acorns, mighty oak trees grow ?
Let's grow together, just like this tree ?
A tree-mendous way to make a difference ?
Trees are like lungs for our planet ?
From tiny acorns, mighty oaks grow ?
Planting roots for a better tomorrow ?
Leaves of change, roots of progress ?
Trees = clean air, shade, homes for wildlife ?
Making the world a little greener ?
A seed today, a forest tomorrow ?
One small seed, one giant leap for the planet ?
Forests are the lungs of the earth, let's keep them breathing ??
Together we can reforest the world ?
Growing our planet, one tree at a time ?
Forests, not just for fairytales ?
Leave a better world for future generations ??
Sowing seeds of change ?
Trees = Oxygen + Beauty ??
Planting seeds of change, one tree at a time ?
Planting for a better world ?
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is now ?
Trees are like friends, the older they get, the more they mean to us ??