NFTs or also known as Non-Fungible Tokens have been lately trending since the early year of 2020 and are booming at ridiculous prices and been sold for thousands of dollars and even some to millions of dollars. It has be come a new platform for very creative people to explore there love of their work.
What are NFTs and how do they work?
Most NFTs are, at a high level, part of the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum, like Bitcoin and Dogecoin, is a cryptocurrency, but its blockchain also enables these NFTs, which store additional information that allows them to function differently from the ETH coin. It is worth mentioning that different blockchains can use NFTs in their own way.
Funny NFT Captions
Keep calm & collect your NFTs.
Truly, Madly, Deeply in love with this NFT collection.
So much NFT collecting, so little time.
I own the gif without even owning any crypto currency.
NFTs – the next level of when wealth and ignorance collide.
Just picked up some rare NFTs at the token sale. Thought I’d share!
The #cryptokitties trend has us feline crazy.
I’ve got 99 problems but Crypto ain’t one.
The nerds say that you are wasting your time if you don’t have a serious collection of NFTs.
NFTs are still funny.
NFT – The Original Digital
Which art piece do you want (Just name it).
Collecting digital art is the best hobby ever.
Short NFT Captions
If you’re looking for a short caption or quote for your NFTs collection, you’ve come to the right place. Finding the right captions can be a challenge, which is why we have this curated list of captions for you to choose from.
NFT - The Original Digital.
NFT Millionaire in the making.
Why Netflix & Chill when you can NFT & Chill? ?
Coffee, Crypto and NFTs.
NFTs & Chill.
Eat. Sleep. Collect NFTs.
NFT Gamer ?
Ask me about my NFTs.
Show me your NFT.
Start the day with coffee. End the day with NFTs.
Crypto never sleeps.
Just NFT It.
I ❤️ NFTs.
My body is an NFT.
Ask me about my Life* NFTs.
I’m in love with NFT ?
Eat. Sleep. Trade JPEGs.
NFT: Next Fresh Thing.
Can you make an NFT of someone else’s artwork?.
New NFT Captions
The NFT market has gone wild with the release of Cryptopunks, CryptoKitties, Bored & Yacht Club, and more. It’s no surprise that people want to show off their new NFT collection on their social media accounts. Below is a list of NFT captions that you can use with pictures of your new crypto collectibles on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and more.
First non-fungible token here!!
I just went and download a gif on google for free. Looks the same to me.
Crypto collecting. Like Pokemon cards for adults.
These are not your usual art pieces. These are works of blockchain, here to transform the future.
All the most popular nfts on Opensea are different Hitler avatars.
Embrace your inner collector, get your cryptokitty now!
Keep calm and go Crypto
Whales Forever – better never sell #WHALES token.
Christmas NFTs are coming.
Good things just got unique.
People will pay for anything.
You’re a rare vintage digital asset we couldn’t afford.
Crypto never sleeps.
What’s this worth “Well, that depends on what you put into it.
Imagine how the Gifs feel when they are “illegally” traded.
We would be a perfect match! You collect me, I collect you. We’re non-fungible tokens of affection.
NFT Art Quotes
There is going to be a market for this in the future, that said, its a massive bobble and when it pops i’ll look for the diamonds in the rough.
Let's make your art into your digital asset.
Oh boy, privatizing memes you wont be able to post memes in 2030 because you don’t own the NFTs.
NFTs are the future. But it can be scary to get started.
People don’t understand NFTs, Metaverse, and crypto today the same way they didn’t understand online shopping in the 1995 ― Anuj Jasani
Real-world things such as artwork and real estate can be represented with NFTs.
These gas fees though we hear you yell into the metaverse.
When you buy NFT art, you’re buying into the story of a person. What they’ve experienced and how they’ve grown—the reason they’re who they are today. – Anonymous
Just another boom in the world called NFTS.
NFTs are digital birth certificates – Dane Scarborough
People are buying and selling NFTs today and 99% of the people in this world are not aware of this billion-dollar market and this opportunity is really a once in a century opportunity. ― Anuj Jasani