A rainy day doesn’t have to be bad. Whether it’s an excuse to curl up with a good book, get out your fun umbrella or dance in the rain, a rainy day can be enjoyable and a rainy day picture deserves a post. We collected the best rain captions including rain captions for Instagram.
Best Rain Captions For Instagram

I woke to the sound of rain.
Fret not, the rain is here to help you grow.
Drizzles offer a perfect time for relaxing walks.
And I fell for you like raindrops.
Rain rain go away come back another day.
We have nothing to fear but fear itself.
Kissing in the rain.
Eventually, the rain stops. How nice of it, huh?
The sound of rain needs no translation.
The rain is falling, and so am I.
Good thing my pocket is full of sunshine.
Bummer! It’s raining.
Always look on the bright side of life.
Let me be your sunshine today.
Finding hope in every drop of rain.
Rain, rain, don’t go away. Stay and play another day!
Rain Or Shine, With My Its Sublime.
Gray skies and contented sighs.
Let a smile be your umbrella on a rainy day.
Coffee, books, and rain.
Funny and Witty Rain Captions For Instagram

Be a rainbow in someone’s rainy day.
Let’s exchange body heat?
If only it rained gumballs instead.
Hey rain, you’re not going to stop me from shopping!
Falling rain reminds me of you. You’re falling hard, and I am too.
Let’s kiss and get twice as wet.
Hmmm… Rain noises would probably make a great soundtrack!
Do you want a rainbow? Then deal with it!
A tad bit of rain. A tad bit of coffee. And a whole lot of you!
It feels so safe to do absolutely nothing while it’s raining.
Feeling stabby-stabby with my umbrella.
Can’t have a rainbow without a little rain, right?
Like a pig playing in the mud.
I set fire to the rain, baby!
Every falling raindrop is a cloud heartbeat.
Are people trying to rain on your parade? Stab them with your umbrella.
Keep calm and dance in the rain.
Cold + Rain + Night = Good Sleep!
Halt whatever you’re doing, and meet me in the pouring rain.
Currently watching raindrops sliding down the window and pretending it’s a race.
Sentimental Captions for Rainy Moments

Just or unjust, the rain falls on everyone.
My soul awakens whenever I catch the scent of rain.
It’s okay… Just cry it out.
I told the raindrops about you.
Feeling down and moody.
Craving for some delicious coffee-flavored loneliness.
Any day without you feels like a rainless year.
Nothing like staying warm and fuzzy at home on a rainy day.
In my heart, it’s always raining.
Don’t be afraid to get a little wet.
Alas, no one can see me crying.
From sunshine to rain, from friends to strangers.
Blessed by the heavens.
Oh sky, why do you cry? Is it because I can’t cry myself?
Is it raining, or is it just me…crying?
Even the sky cries sometimes.
All the clouds in me are raining.
Lately, the rain has been inspiring me.
Clouds look down, just like me.
Giving my tears back to the rain.
Rain Captions For Pictures
Remember that rainbows always come after the rain.
Rain showers my spirit and waters my soul.
Rain is the best purification for the soul.
I love the rain. It’s my favorite weather.
One can find so many pains when the rain is falling.
I love falling asleep to the sound of rain.
Expect sadness like you expect rain, both cleanse you
Romantic Rain Captions For Lovers

There’s always room for two under my umbrella.
Without rain, there would be no flowers.
A trip down memory rain…
I like people who smile when it rains.
You look the most beautiful on a rainy day.
True love will survive a thousand pouring rainstorms.
A drizzly day is the best day for a romantic walk.
Cuddle weather is the best weather!
I fell for you like the raindrops from the sky.
Let the rain kiss you, then let me have a turn.
Is there anything as lovely as the smell of rain?
Behave like the rain and please fall for me.
Paris is the most beautiful in the rain.
You’re my cosy shelter on a rainy day.
Love is walking through the rain together.
Meet me in the pouring rain and let’s dance the night away.
This rain makes me miss you even more.
Come rain, come shine, you’ll always be mine.
For the loneliest of people, rain is the chance to be touched.
Coffee and Rain Captions For Instagram
Every drop of rain is as important as a drop of tear from our eyes.
I love rainy days with a blanket and a cup of coffee and a book.
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.
The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by oft falling.
All was silent as before, all silent save the dripping rain.
He then departed, to make himself still more interesting, in the midst of a heavy rain.
A problem is a chance for you to do your best.
The soundtrack of my life would probably be all rain noises.
The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually.
People say that they love the rain but then they take cover when it starts to pour on them.
When it rains hard, I miss you hard and wish I could kiss you harder.
I need the seasons to live to the rhythm of rain and the sun.