The first day of school after the long summer vacation is very special not only for the students but also for their parents and teachers. The feeling of going back to school is actually a good mix of many emotions.
We understand these feelings and the importance of first day of school so we have collected over 99 captions for first day of school for parents, teachers and students. You can use this first day of school caption for Instagram post and make it memorable.
Funny First Day Of School Captions For Instagram

Time to build a new gang.
Countdown of a last first begins here.
The first day of school means tired me.
We were tired of sleeping in and enjoying life anyway.
My sanity has just been saved by the (school) bell.
There are really five seasons: winter, spring, summer, fall, and back-to-school.
Last to reach on the first day.
For Napping? I deserve A.
Today is the day we begin our countdown to the last day of school.
My kids are back in school. Give me a day to process my devastation.
Back to school? How about back to the pool?
First-day first impression.
Don’t ask about last year’s grades.
A special shout-out to all the parents who sent their kids back to school with sharpened pencils.
Summer’s over. Time to remember what day of the week it is.
R.I.P. summer vacation.
There is no more a comfort zone.
Stay calm, you will get used to this.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year.
Join the clubs.
I’m going to be sad for approximately 5 minutes. Then, it’s time for a Target run. Alone. #blessed
Inspirational First Day Of School Captions For Instagram

Education prepares us for the future.
Provide emotional security to your children on their first day of school.
It's always hard to wake up your kids to go to school after a vacation.
Education plays an important role in children's life.
Go to school with the belief that you are unique in this world.
The first day of school is the start of learning great things.
Believe in your child's potential; they'll live up to it.
Parents should teach their children how to survive independently.
The best time to learn is when we are young.
The first day of school is always a fresh start.
School helps relieve parents' responsibilities over their kids.
Don't worry too much about the first day of school.
The first day at school marks the beginning of a new phase in the child's life.
Any child can change the world.
Children should be understood and treated equally.
Be enthusiastic about your first day at school.
Parents prefer teachers who teach their kids how to think.
Students always go to school with their best looks on the first day.
School teaches children self-esteem, support, and friendship.
You will never forget the first day of school.
Sentimental First Day Of School Captions For Instagram
It’s time to embrace everything new — new friends, new teachers, and a new school year.
They say school is like home away from home, but I’m going to miss this little face today.
Just like that, summer is over.
I’ll be here waiting for you when you get home. Happy first day, little one!
Let me love you a little more before you’re not little anymore.
They really do grow up so fast.
Dream big, little one.
I hope you are able to achieve everything your heart desires.
My kids deserve an entire sheet of gold stars.
Here’s to big smiles and even bigger adventures.
And so the adventure begins…
First Day of School Instagram Captions Juniors
Small steps, long path.
New teachers with the old thinking.
If you want to run, then first learn to walk.
Fairy tell has been started.
Somewhere in the school.
Mondays will bother me again.
The last day of school is just a matter of a small count down.
First Day of School Captions For Seniors

New challenges, new opportunities.
At another home.
New journey.
End of summer, the start of suffering.
Survived the maths class.
Back to hustle.
Time to remember what day it is.
Back to buddies.
I just hate to study but love the school.
Love me a little more today, tomorrow I’ll not be little anymore.
Ignore me if you are stupid.
Survived the first day.
So this is the place.
Let’s see how it goes.
I missed this and now I regret I am back.
Bell is a savior.
R.I.P Good times.
Let the story began.
Monday matters now.
Optimistic about the new beginning.
First Day of School Captions for Parents
Summer breaks is a thing of the past now.
Hope you will shine like a star.
Keep this beautiful smile my angel.
Stay focused, stay healthy.
There will be tough days but giving us is not in your blood.
Hey kid make me proud.
Now it’s your time to prove yourself.
Learn what has to be learned.
Fight for your values and ethics, not for your ego.
We are always here for you.
First Day of School Captions for Teachers
Everyone is important but I am more important for me.
Tired of saying, let’s start with an introduction.
So after a long time back to work.
At least let me say I am the best here.
Don’t be afraid of asking questions, it is a symbol of curious brain not of stupidity.
So it’s time for new stars.
To Achieve what dream, you have to learn that has to be learnt.
Start of vacation for parents and the exact opposite for me.
Every genius once called the idiot.
We can teach you many things but not everything.
Lots of new faces.
New journey begins.
Every student is important, and every important thing has to be taken care of.
There is a no bigger teacher than time, but the problem is, time doesn’t care much about its students.
Song Lyrics To Use As First Day Of School Captions
Our little group has always been and always will until the end. - Nirvana
We ain't picture perfect but we worth the picture still. - J. Cole
Today is never too late to be brand new. - Taylor Swift
I am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar. - Katy Perry
We've come too far to give up who we are, so let's raise the bar and our cups to the stars. - Daft Punk
These are the days we'll never forget. - Avicii
This must be the day that all of my dreams come true. - Bob Dylan
It's kind of sad and it's a shame, everyone wants to be the same. - Goodie Mob
Nothing changes but the faces, the names and the trends. - Bowling for Soup
Nothing can stop me, I'm all the way up. - Fat Joe, Remy Ma