Make your April Fool’s Day more joyful and funny by using best April Fool’s Day Captions. We bring you the best April Fool’s Day captions for your Instagram. So make it more memorable and happy.
The best way to celebrate April Fools’ Day is by posting hilariously clever captions on Instagram. Here are some of our favorites to help you get started. Have fun with it and Happy April Fool’s Day!
April Fools Day Captions

Do not react to other’s prank, just stay calm. It is April Fool’s Day!
I love getting pranked on April 1st. It keeps me alert for the rest of the year.
At this price, the April fool sale won’t last long.
If every fool wore a crown, we should all be kings.
Spend more and save more on this April.
Don’t give cherries to pigs or advice to fools.
Get free shipping on this April fool’s day.
It’s April here! A new month, to inspire others and to laugh lots.
Quit trying to prank me. You won’t succeed in this lifetime.
Having a dry sense of humour kills the joy in life.
Ask a sage, he will explain. Ask a fool, he will complain.
Some fools are even saner than the scholars n so-called wise men.

Stop calling me “april fool”, I think I might have an identity crisis.
The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected.
It’s April, time for some amazing discounts.
You grow up the day you have your first real laugh, at yourself.
You make people fool for a day, but life makes you fool round the year.
The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself a fool.
Everything that is funny makes you smile until it comes to you.
Happy April Fool’s Day, From One To Another Fool!
Yahoooo, it’s April fool’s Day.
If you wish to avoid seeing a fool you must first break your looking glass.
The moment you start arguing with an ignorant fool, you have already lost.
April fool, n. The March fool with another month added to his folly.
Today is April Fool’s Day and this is not a joke!
Funny April Fools Captions For Instagram

Don’t forget to count your pranks at the end of April Fool’s Day.
The free delivery whole day, on this April fool’s day
We’re fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.
The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.
April 1 some call it April’s fool’s, I call it my birthday
Here I’m wising the biggest fool a very happy April Fool’s Day.
I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it.
I don’t think I’ll worry about any April Fools Day pranks, I’ll be too upset that it’s Monday.
I’m not foolish; I’m just honest in a world full of double-faced people.
Act like a fool in front of a fool so that you don’t get fooled by a fool!
The best gift you can gift yourself is laughter and the best person to laugh at is yourself.
People will take advantage of an emotional fool. The known truth!
Even the gods love jokes.
There are no foolish questions and no man becomes a fool until he has stopped asking questions.
I am blessed with the best fools in this world and I call them friends.
I just wanted to be your fool. But you were too fool to understand.
Hello april, please don’t fool me.
You can’t stop buying
Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain – and most fools do.
Life is so much better with pranks and jokes.
Every man is a divinity in disguise, a god playing the fool.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.
You are a gorgeous, amazing, intelligent talented, caring and understanding person. Smiling? Well, Happy April Fool’s Day!
April Fool Captions for friends

I have the best friends in the world and all of them are fools.
To be funny, you need some foolishness.
Just trying to make the most of this April Fool’s Day.
I may be a fool, but at least I’m bringing a smile to people’s faces.
April Fool’s Day: the one day where anything goes.
Fooling around and having a great time on this April Fool’s Day.
April Fool’s Day: the one day where anything is possible.
April Fool’s Day: the perfect day to let your inner fool shine bright.
I’m not foolin’ around when I say I love April Fool’s Day.
I may be a fool, but at least it’s only once a year.
April Fool’s Day is the only day I can get away with acting like a fool.
You can run but you can’t stop getting fooled.
Towels can’t take jokes. They have a dry sense of humour.
Just living it up and fooling around on this fine April Fool’s Day.
I’m just fooling around and having a good time on April Fool’s Day.
This fool is having the time of their life on April Fool’s Day.
Just foolin’ around on this fine April Fool’s Day.
I have the best fools in the world and I call them friends.
Just trying to spread some cheer and laughter on this April Fool’s Day.
It’s all fun and games on April Fool’s Day.

Just pulling a few harmless pranks on this fine April Fool’s Day.
April Fool’s Day: the one day where it’s okay to be a little bit silly.
Congratulations on making a fool of me.
If you can’t take a joke, you shouldn’t make one.
I’m just here to have a good time and pull a few pranks on April Fool’s Day.
April Fool’s Day: where even the impossible becomes possible.
It’s a fool’s paradise on April Fool’s Day.
April Fool’s Day: where even the sky isn’t the limit for pranks.
Got fooled by a fool on this Fool’s Day!
Just trying to spread some joy and laughter on this April Fool’s Day.
Just another day of foolin’ around.
I may be a fool, but at least I’m enjoying myself.
I may be a fool, but at least I’m having a good time.