Swami Vivekananda – multi-skilled, well known educator, Hindu monk was born as Narendranath Datta in a privileged Bengali family in 1863.
We introduced the concept of Vedanta and Yoga to the western world. Because of his exemplary work in bringing Hinduism to the status of a major world religion, he is viewed as a patriotic saint In India, and his birthday (January 12) is celebrated as National Youth Day.
Motivational Swami Vivekananda Quotes

Whatever you think that you will be.If you think yourself weak, weak you will be; If you think yourself strong, you will be.
Condemn none: if you can stretch out a helping hand, do so. If not, fold your hands, bless your brothers, and let them go their own way.
Have faith in yourselves, great convictions are the mothers of great deeds.
That man has reached immortality who is disturbed by nothing material.
Knowledge can only be got in one way, the way of experience; there is no other way to know.
Believe in yourself and the world will be at your feet.
In a conflict between the heart and the brain, follow your heart.
That which is selfish is immoral, and that which is unselfish is moral.
Fill the brain with high thoughts, highest ideals, place them day and night before you, and out of that will come great work.
If superstitions enter, the brain is gone.
The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong.
Every action that helps us manifest our divine nature more and more is good. Every action that retards it is evil.
The great secret of true success, of true happiness, is this: the man or woman who asks for no return, the perfectly unselfish person, is the most successful.
As soon as you know the voice and understand what it is, the whole scene changes. The same world which was the ghastly battlefield of Maya is now changed into something good and beautiful.
Education Swami Vivekananda Quotes

The very reason for nature’s existence is for the education of the soul.
Books are infinite in number and time is short. The secret of knowledge is to take what is essential. Take that and try to live up to it.
Experience is the only teacher we have. We may talk and reason all our lives, but we shall not understand a word of truth.
Learn everything that is good from others, but bring it in, and in your own way adsorb it; do not become others.
Neither money pays, not name, nor fame, nor learning; it is CHARACTER that can cleave through adamantine walls of difficulties.
Education is the manifestation of perfection already existing in man.
All knowledge that the world has ever received comes from the mind; the infinite library of the universe is in our own mind.
A fool may buy all the books in the world, and they will be in his library; but he will be able to read only those that he deserves to.
Self Confidence Swami Vivekananda Quotes

Conquer yourself and the whole universe is yours.
Neither seek nor avoid, take what comes.
The earth is enjoyed by heroes – this is the unfailing truth. Be a hero. Always say, I have no fear.
Dare to be free, dare to go as far as you’re thought leads, and dare to carry that out in your life.
The greatest sin is to think that you are weak.
Stamp out the negative spirit as if it were a pestilence.
Be not afraid of anything. You will do marvellous work. It is fearlessness that brings heaven even in a moment.
The brain and muscles must develop simultaneously. Iron nerves with an intelligent brain – and the whole world is at your feet.
Swami Vivekananda Quotes On Life And Success

Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead, if you lose, you can guide.
He who struggles is better than he who never attempts.
See for the highest, aim at the highest, and you shall reach the highest.
When I asked God for strength, he gave me difficult situations to face.
When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, it is transformed into an actual physical or mental state.
The reason for every misunderstanding is that we see the people as we are but not as they are.
Do not wait for anybody or anything. Do whatever you can, build your hope on none.
The fire that warms us can also consume us; it is not the fault of the fire.
The greatest religion is to be true to your nature. Have faith in yourselves.
All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything.
The best thermometer to the progress of a nation is its treatment of its women.
God helps those who help themselves.
Experience is the only teacher we have. We may talk and reason all our lives, but we shall not understand a word of truth.
Swami Vivekananda Quotes on Truth
Comfort is no test of truth. Truth is often far from being comfortable.
Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true.
Experience is the only teacher we have. We may talk and reason all our lives, but we shall not understand a word of truth.
Our duty is to encourage every one in his struggle to live up to his own highest idea, and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the Truth.
Swami Vivekananda Quotes on Faith
Have faith in yourselves, great convictions are the mothers of great deeds.
Throw away all weakness. Tell your body that it is strong. Tell your mind that it is strong and have unbound faith and hope in yourself.
Have faith in yourself – all power is in you. Even the poison of a snake is powerless, if you can firmly deny it.
If faith in ourselves had been more extensively taught and practiced, I am sure a very large portion of the evils and miseries that we have would have vanished.
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