111+ Newlywed Game Questions To Ask Couples

111+ Newlywed Game Questions To Ask Couples

Have you heard of the newlywed game? This popular activity is all about questioning the pairs. From their favorite food and drinks to their actual first impressions about each other, it throws light on a variety of topics and is a great way to spice up any wedding related event.

This newlywed game was a 1960s party game that tested how well newlyweds knew each other, but the game is adaptable to many different groups of people, including coworkers. Examples of newlywed sports questions include “What’s my favorite thing to do on the weekend?”, or “What reality TV show would I most enjoy participating in?” The purpose of these questions is to have fun and deepen relationships with fellow players.

What is The Newlywed Game?

The Newlywed Game first premiered in 1966 on ABC. The network actually decided to air the show in place of a news conference hosted by the then-U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara.

How to Play The Newlywed Game

Just because The Newlywed Game isn’t on TV anymore doesn’t mean you can’t play! Below, we’ve outlined some simple steps to help you set things up from home.

Step 1: Gather a group of newlyweds or couples who have been together a short time. Then, select a host or quizmaster to lead the game and ask questions.

Step 2: Divide couples into teams and have them sit in separate areas facing away from each other. The host will then ask his partner a series of questions and record all answers. Then, they would present the same question to the other partner, asking them to correctly guess how their spouse responded. Points are awarded each time the pairs’ answers match.

Step 3: The host repeats the process for each question, moving on to the next pair until all teams have answered. The couple with the most points at the end of the round wins.

Step 4: If you want to keep the game going, you can always start a “husband” and “wife” round. The questions asked here have been specially designed keeping the partner in mind. These prompts are often less objective and a bit more difficult to answer.

Step 5: Have fun and enjoy the opportunity to learn more about your partner and other couples!

Best Newlywed Game Questions

  • What's your partner's go-to karaoke song?
  • What is your spouse's favorite color?
  • What's your partner's biggest fear?
  • Of the two of you, who falls asleep first?
  • What is your spouse's full name?
  • What is your spouse's dream job?
  • What is your spouse's most embarrassing moment?
  • How would your partner choose to get famous?
  • What is your spouse's favorite song?
  • What is your spouse's favorite type of music?
  • Who is your spouse's celebrity crush?
  • What is something that always makes your spouse cry?
  • What movie does your spouse hate?
  • What is your spouse's favorite animal?
  • What is your spouse's favorite food?
  • What's your spouse's pet peeve?
  • What is your partner's worst habit?
  • Does your spouse prefer sweet or savory foods?

Newlywed Questions For The Wife

  • Describe your spouse on your wedding night, in three words.
  • How do you express love to your beloved?
  • If your spouse could wear one of your clothes, what would you give?
  • Which of you deals best with stressful situations?
  • Which one of you falls asleep first at night?
  • Which of you won the last argument?
  • Which song precisely defines your husband in bed?
  • What are the most-repeated words and phrases your husband uses?
  • Which of you is the thrifty shopper?
  • Imitate your spouse when he gets angry.
  • What is your husband’s most annoying moment?
  • Which relative of yours do you think your husband dislikes?
  • How long can your spouse go without making love?
  • By what pet name do you call your spouse?
  • What is the one thing you guys cannot ever seem to agree on?
  • What adjective best describes your spouse in bed?
  • What’s that one material item your husband can’t live without?
  • Have you discussed having kids? What was his reactions?

Newlywed Questions For The Husband

  • Which of you gives the most surprises?
  • What do you find the most physically attractive thing about your spouse?
  • Do you two get intimate as often as you would want to?
  • Which one of you is elected to turn the lights off before sleeping?
  • The last gift you gave to your wife.
  • What is that one household task your wife says you do better?
  • Which of you is the early riser?
  • How do you deduce that your wife is in the mood for lovemaking?
  • Which one of your wife’s friends knows everything about your married life?
  • Who is better at cuddling?
  • How many children do you want?
  • Do you remember how many bags your wife carried on your honeymoon?
  • Who is the night-owl?
  • In which dress does your better half look the sexiest?
  • Finish this sentence- “Our wedding was almost perfect until _____________”.
  • What is the name of your wife’s favorite clothing brand?
  • What was the best part of your marriage celebrations?
  • Which clothing of your wife you just cannot stand?
  • If you are to go on a second honeymoon, where would that be?

Newlywed Games Questions About Family

  • Are they still on their family’s phone plan?
  • Whose parents were more intimidating to meet?
  • How close are they in age to their siblings?
  • Which parent are they closer to?
  • How many pets do their parents have?
  • What was the best family vacation they ever took?
  • Does their personality match their birth order stereotype?
  • Who is their favorite sibling?
  • Whose parents were stricter?
  • What do/did their parents do for a living?
  • What are their grandparent’s names?
  • What’s their family’s most beloved holiday tradition?
  • What’s the most trouble they got into as a kid?
  • Which member of their family is the funniest?
  • Which family is more involved in your daily lives?
  • What are their parents’ middle names?
  • How many siblings do they have?

Newlywed Game Questions For Friends

  • Who wears the pants in the relationship?
  • What’s the name of your spouse’s ex?
  • Who is more likely to throw tantrums?
  • Do you have a ‘song’ and, if so, what is it?
  • Who out of the two is the better listener?
  • What is your spouse’s best feature?
  • Who is more likely to throw a better surprise party?
  • What is a story your spouse tells to every new group of friends?
  • What is their silliest fear?
  • What would your spouse say your best feature is?
  • Who would your spouse say is the “better catch”?
  • Name your spouse’s favorite clothing brand?
  • Who is the more flamboyant one at the parties?
  • Who has the more dominating voice in the relationship?
  • Describe what you first thought of them in one word.
  • Who’s more likely to stay at home watching Netflix on a Saturday night?
  • What is a sure-fire way to get on their nerves?
  • What is your partner’s biggest pet peeve?
  • When did you know that they were ‘the one’?
  • What did they wear on your first date?
  • Who is less likely to ask for directions when lost?
  • What’s their favorite TV show and their favorite character of all time?
  • Who is the more outdoorsy of the two and loves adventures?
  • Who confessed their love and said “I love you” first?

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